Roasted Flaxseeds are enriched with some of the most essential and basic nutrients that our body requires. These come enriched with fibre, protein, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, lignan among other nutrients and minerals. Lignans present in them help in battling high levels of estrogen and help in maintaining balanced hormonal levels. Since flaxseeds are energy-dense with great satiety value, these make you feel full and therefore facilitate weight management. Roasted Flaxseeds are a great source of soluble mucilaginous (gumlike) fibre that can lower unhealthy cholesterol (LDL) and and balance blood sugar levels. It also acts like hunger suppressant and helps you feel full for long. Their high omega-3 fatty acids content can help lower undesirable fats (triglycerides) in the blood, reducing the risk of stroke.
Good quality and fair price; availability is an issue on some products