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Some Myths And Facts About Coronavirus Busted!  - Sorichorganics

Some Myths And Facts About Coronavirus Busted! 

With the rapid proliferation of the deadly coronavirus, myths are also being heavily circulated through social media. These fake claims are getting viral at a rapid pace and suggest various ways to protect against COVID-19. Some of these false statements include taking a bath with extremely hot water, eating garlic cloves, spraying alcohol all over the body, etc. But none of them are actually effective! In this blog, we have absolutely debunked a few myths about the new coronavirus. We urge you to not get duped by such false claims that cause nothing but unnecessary havoc. 

Myth 1- Coronavirus cannot be transmitted in areas with hot and humid weather conditions 

Fact- As per WHO, COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in all areas, including those with hot and humid climates. The best way to prevent yourself from COVID-19 is by frequently washing or sanitizing your hands. Frequent cleaning of hands can eliminate viruses that might be present and avoid infection that can occur by touching the eyes, mouth, and nose.

Myth 2 - Cold weather and snow are effective in killing the coronavirus

Fact- There is no veracity in this claim and cold weather cannot kill the new coronavirus. According to WHO, a normal human body temperature ranges between 36.5°C and 37°C irrespective of the external temperature or weather. It solely recommends frequent cleaning of hands with alcohol-based hand rub or by washing them with soap and water.

Myth 3- Taking a bath with extremely hot water prevents from COVID-19

Fact- Taking a bath with extremely hot water is not suitable for protection against the novel coronavirus but it can surely damage your skin. 

Myth 4- Coronavirus gets transmitted through mosquito bites

Fact- There is no evidence at present that supports the truthfulness of transmission of coronavirus through mosquito bites. According to WHO, COVID-19 primarily spreads through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through the droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. WHO has also advised people to avoid close contact with those who are either coughing or sneezing.  

Myth 5- Hand dryers are instrumental in killing the coronavirus 

Fact- No, hand dryers are not at all effective in killing the coronavirus.  

Myth 6- Ultraviolet disinfection lamp can kill the coronavirus 

Fact- No, UV lamps do not kill the new coronavirus and WHO does not recommend sterilizing hands or other areas of skin with them as UV radiation can result in skin irritation. 

Myth 7- Thermal scanners are helpful in detecting people infected with coronavirus

Fact- According to WHO, thermal scanners are effective only in detecting people who have developed a fever due to the coronavirus infection. It cannot detect people who are infected but have not developed a fever. 

Myth 8- Spraying chlorine or alcohol all over your body will kill the coronavirus

Fact- Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will not kill viruses that have already entered the body. In fact, these can prove extremely harmful to clothes, eyes, mouth, etc. It must be noted that both alcohol and chlorine are major disinfectants. 

Myth 9- Vaccines against pneumonia provides protection against coronavirus 

Fact- No, vaccines against pneumonia will not provide protection against the coronavirus. As the virus is relatively new, it needs its own vaccine, as per WHO. Globally, researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against COVID-19. 

Myth 10- Regularly rinsing your nose with saline water helps in preventing coronavirus infection 

Fact- As per WHO, there’s no evidence that rinsing your nose with saline water will protect people from infection with the new coronavirus. 

Myth 11- Consuming garlic can help prevent infection with the new coronavirus

Fact- There is no scientific evidence that eating garlic will be effective against the new coronavirus. 

Myth 12- The new coronavirus affects only old and young people 

Fact- No, people of all ages are equally prone to be infected by the new coronavirus. However, aged people and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) are comparatively more vulnerable to this virus. 

Myth 13- Antibiotics are effective against preventing and treating the new coronavirus     

Fact- No, antibiotics do not work against viruses are therefore not effective in either preventing or treating the coronavirus. 

These were some of the myths that have been spreading via social media. We urge you that DO NOT fall for these myths and take all the precautions advised by the World Health Organization (WHO) to combat the novel coronavirus. Make sure that you wash your hands frequently, practice social distancing, etc. to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus.


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