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Throughout history, fasting has been a common practice for religious and spiritual reasons. However, in recent times, numerous studies have emerged highlighting its potential health benefits, including its ability to get rid of cancer cells. 

Fasting induces autophagy, where the body recycles damaged cells, including cancerous ones, promoting healthy cell growth and reducing inflammation. A study found that a 72-hour fast can eliminate cancerous and damaged cells while leaving healthy cells intact.

Cancer cells depend heavily on glucose for energy, which is not available during fasting, so the body switches to using ketones instead, which cancer cells cannot utilize. 

Fasting can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Over time, cancer cells can become more resistant to chemotherapy, but fasting can make them more vulnerable, making it easier for the treatment to kill them. 

It is crucial to note that fasting cannot replace conventional cancer treatments and is not a cure for cancer. Nevertheless, it can compete with traditional treatments and aid in improving their effectiveness while reducing the risk of cancer recurrence. 

Before, attempting fasting, it is essential to consult with medical professionals, as it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with specific medical conditions or taking certain medications. 

Fasting has various health benefits, including potentially eliminating cancer cells. More research is needed to fully understand its mechanism, but it could be a promising complementary therapy for cancer patients or those looking to lower their cancer risk.

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