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Are blueberries good for your health

Are blueberries good for your health?

Blueberries are a small, sweet, and popular Superfood packed with nutrition’s. They are low in calories and good for health. Also, many people often consider them as their favorite food. lets know how blueberries are good for your health.

Blueberries contains flavonoids called anthocyanin which provides immense health benefits related to lifestyle and health conditions. According to research, it has contributed that consuming berries daily for more than 4 weeks improves metabolism and problems related to low metabolic.

One cup of blueberries gives you:
  • 24 % vitamin C
  • 36% vitamin K
  • 9 gm magnesium
  • 84 gm calories
  • 21.45 carbohydrate
  • 0 gm cholesterol
  • 0.49 gm fat

Here is the List of Health Benefits of Blueberries:

dried blueberries

High in Antioxidant

Blueberries are considered the king of antioxidant and because of it the blueberry has amazing color. It protects you from free radicals, stops contributing to earlier aging and cancer likes diseases.

Reduce DNA Damage 

Damage of DNA leads to grow older and the development of diseases like cancer. As Blueberry contains high antioxidants it neutralizes free radicals that damage DNA.

Control Cholesterol 

It is a problem when your body oxidized bad LDL cholesterol. But the antioxidants present in blueberries reduce the level of oxidized LDL which prevents heart disease problems. According to research, consuming blueberries in morning meal reduce oxidization of bad LDL cholesterol.

Prevents Heart Disease

Eating blueberries not only reduce risk factors of blood pressure and cholesterol but also prevents heart attacks, which is becoming the leading cause of death in today’s world.

Lower Blood Pressure

Blueberries are a rich source of many nutrients which help in lowering blood pressure. As high blood pressure causes heart attack, consuming 50gms of blueberry per day reduces this risk too.

Improves Memory and Functioning of the Brain

Oxidative stress affects brain function negatively and also affects areas of the brain which works for intelligence. The oxidants in blueberries help in better functioning of the brain improve memory and increase the cognitive process.

Helps in Fighting Urinary Tract Infections

In women, urinary tract infection is a common problem and to cure this cranberry juice with blueberry goes pretty well. It contains an anti-adhesive substance that prevents bacteria from holding the wall of the bladder.

Blueberries Benefits Skin:

Blueberries contain vitamin C which helps in preventing wrinkles, acnes, reduce blemishes from the skin. It also brings freshness to the skin by repairing skin from UV damage, pollution and many more things.

Ways to Have Blueberries:

blueberry smoothie

Frozen: frozen blueberries contain fiber in rich amounts, with rich calories and vitamin C. 

In the Salad: to add blueberries in a salad may not be your first choice but we would like to reconsider it. As blueberry has a sweet taste, it also boosts nutrition simultaneously. Need some recipes? In your summer fruit salad add blueberry with jalapeno mint and lime juice. It’s yummy!!

In Yogurt: to peak up your plain flavor of yogurt add blueberry to blow your taste buds away. 

With Oatmeal and Cereals: boost your fiber intake by adding Dried Blueberries to your oatmeal and cereal in the morning. Before adding blueberry, cook oatmeal first by adding cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and lemon before adding topping on oats. It will give a delicious flavor of blueberry that you will surely love.

In Smoothies: adding blueberry to your smoothies, naturally conveniently adds nutrition. It is often recommended that for a good balance in a smoothie, add 1 one of fruit on a 2 cup of vegetables.

Pancakes and Waffles: add fresh blueberries to waffle better or pancakes and enjoy!

Blueberry Juice: add some kick to your kid’s day by blending blackberry, blueberry and splash of orange juice. Kids will surely love it.



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